Indiana Math and Science Academy (IMSA) West Home
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Recent News
Indiana Math and Science Academy West Teacher Selected to Prestigious Science Program
Sondra Harris among educators tabbed for the Society for Science Advocate Program
Indiana Math and Science Academy West teacher empowers students in STEM
Check out Nico Pennisi’s WRTV Indianapolis article about IMSA West’s Ms. Sondra Harris, chosen for the Society for Science Advocate program. The video highlights her selection and features 8th graders Sariyah and Mercy’s passion for science.
Educators from IMSA North and West Collaborate and Prepare for the Upcoming School Year.
Educators from IMSA North and West Collaborate and Prepare for the Upcoming School Year.
At A Glance
- 2007 Founded
- K-8 Grades Served
- 560 Target Enrollment
- 1:1 Technology